Potential CBG Side Effects: What You Need To Know

CBG side effects may include mild fatigue

If you’ve heard about CBG before, you’ve likely heard that it’s the “mother of all cannabinoids.” It’s true that CBG, or cannabigerol, is the compound from which all other cannabinoids are derived. But CBG holds a great deal of therapeutic potential as a standalone cannabinoid. 

While research is only just beginning to uncover the full spectrum of possibilities, CBG shows promise in improving mental health, focus, and sleep – and possibly even treating life-threatening and debilitating conditions. 

Scope of CBG Research

So far, the scientific support for these uses is only just emerging. As the body of research into this compound grows, we’ll no doubt discover more about its full potential. 

Maybe that limited research makes you feel hesitant about trying CBG. 

It’s responsible to be skeptical and research anything you choose to consume, whether it’s a seemingly harmless dietary supplement or a prescription drug.   Unfortunately, there are no long-term clinical trials that have delved into the specific uses and side effects of cannabinoids such as CBG

Still Establishing Side Effects

Like any other supplement, CBG does carry the risk of side effects.

While we’re still waiting for trials to fully establish the safety and efficacy of  CBG products sold online, early findings seem to support claims about its safety and therapeutic benefits.

What is CBG?

CBG (cannabigerol) is a compound derived from hemp. CBG  produces many other cannabinoids, including CBG, CBN, and THC. Because CBG converts into other compounds as the plant develops, it’s often derived from younger plants with higher CBG levels.

How does it work?

The human body naturally creates endocannabinoids. When endocannabinoids attach to the cannabinoid receptors in your central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and immune cells, they activate the ECS (endocannabinoid system). 

The ECS helps maintain homeostasis, or balance, throughout the body. This regulation may apply to bodily functions including digestion and appetite, metabolism, pain, inflammation and immune response, mood, attention and memory, and more. 

How is CBG unique?

Different cannabinoids interact with the body and brain in different ways. THC is the main psychoactive cannabinoid that produces marijuana’s “high.” CBN, on the other hand, is only mildly psychoactive. 

CBG and CBD are good supplements because they are the non-psychoactive cannabinoids in hemp plants. That means they don’t lead to a ‘high.’ 

Although both CBD and CBG lack psychoactive effects, they’re not exactly the same. CBG may be more effective in some ways, including regulating the uptake of a neurotransmitter called GABA.

CBG supplements do not contain THC. The most trusted CBG products get full clearance from third-party lab testing before they ever reach the customer. That way, you can be certain you’re getting exactly what you expect.

Why CBG is Growing in Popularity

CBG was first discovered in 1964, but was rarely used or studied because of how little CBG exists in mature cannabis plants.

Then, in 2018, the Farm Bill removed hemp with less than 0.3% THC and low-THC hemp derivatives from the legal definition of marijuana. This opened the door for more medical cannabis research. It allowed states to implement their own regulations regarding cannabinoids..

Since then, marketing and use of medical cannabis, CBD, and minor cannabinoids like CBG has exploded. Surveys have indicated that users experience a wide range of benefits from  CBG. 

Why do people use CBG?

Due to the astronomical costs of healthcare in the United States, many people have turned to alternative and over-the-counter treatments for their chronic conditions, including CBG and other cannabinoids. Here are a few of the conditions for which people use CBG: 

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep issues
  • Fatigue
  • Pain
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

For many, CBG is a better alternative to prescription drugs that come with an exhaustive list of side effects. 

CBG has far fewer side effects. Survey respondents typically report that their conditions have improved after taking CBG. Many people even rate the effectiveness of CBG as being better than standard pharmaceutical treatments.

Potential CBG Side Effects

More conclusive research is imperative to understand the full spectrum of possible side effects. So it’s still possible that more serious side effects could surface in future research.

However, none of the research available so far has revealed severe health risks or dangerous adverse effects from CBG, and mammals in studies seem to tolerate it well. Plus, 84.3% of people don’t report any withdrawal symptoms. 

The body’s apparent ability to tolerate CBG is likely because hemp plants are completely natural, often organic, and non-toxic to the human body.

In one survey, 44% of those using CBG-prominent cannabis reported no adverse events whatsoever. But there are some of the side effects that can occur, especially after consuming high doses of CBG.

Fatigue and Grogginess

In the aforementioned survey, about 15% of participants said they felt sleepy. 


With high doses, some people may experience dizziness and an increased heart rate with low blood pressure.


We know that CBG can affect digestion, and taking too much could result in diarrhea.

Dry Mouth

Especially with high doses, CBG could reduce saliva production and lead to dry mouth. This will likely go away after drinking enough water.

Changes in Appetite

Researchers know that CBG increases appetite in mice. Similarly,  some users eat more when taking CBG.


Nausea can happen with some CBG products, so it’s important to hydrate and eat in sensible quantities.

Ultimately, CBG is extremely unlikely to cause any grave or dangerous adverse effects. It’s important to note that CBG cannot make you “high.”’ It has no psychoactive effects, and trusted CBG products contain no THC.

How to Prevent CBG Side Effects?

It’s still unclear which of these CBG side effects are under the user’s control or to what degree. But here are steps you can take to minimize your risk of unwanted side effects.

Talk to Your Doctor

This is especially important if you suffer from certain medical conditions or take certain medications. Since CBG could alter how you metabolize medications, you should consult a medical professional to rule out the possibility of the following drug interactions:

  • mood medications (anxiety, depression, mood disorders)
  • pain medications
  • antibiotics and antimicrobials
  • antihistamines
  • blood pressure medications
  • blood thinners
  • cholesterol medications
  • corticosteroids
  • erectile dysfunction medications
  • prostate medications
  • anticancer medications
  • antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)
  • gastrointestinal (GI) medications, including those for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or nausea
  • heart rhythm medications
  • Immunosuppressants

Don’t Overuse

Using too much CBG may increase your likelihood of side effects. So use good judgment and moderation. More isn’t better.

Hydrate and Eat Well

Getting sufficient food and water throughout the day will lessen the chances of increased appetite, nausea, dry mouth, upset stomach, dizziness, and low blood pressure.

Maintain a Healthy Sleep Schedule

Try your best to sleep enough and keep to a regular routine of going to bed and rising at around the same time each day. Disrupting your sleep schedule or not getting enough sleep could exacerbate any fatigue from taking CBG.

Potential CBG Benefits

Though side effects are an important consideration, many people find that CBG helps them with pain, migraines, IBD, anxiety, depression, sleep, and more. 

A survey of people taking CBG showed that 51.2% were using it for anxiety, 40.9% for chronic pain, 33.1% for depression, and 30.7% for insomnia or disturbed sleep.

Science is still discovering the amazing therapeutic potential of CBG. In many ways, it performs better than CBD, CBN, and THC without altering your ability to function normally. 

In fact, the lack of psychoactive effects and the seemingly limited, mild side effects could someday make CBG a breakthrough treatment. Hopefully, clinical trials will soon confirm CBG as a safe and effective treatment for anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance and fatigue, IBD, or even degenerative diseases and cancer.

Helps with Migraines and Eases Pain

In one study, 56.7% of people using CBG for pain reported improvements, with just over half saying they were able to decrease or stop using pain medication. This makes sense since CBG has notable analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Animal studies have shown that CBG improves colon inflammation and other markers of IBD. These findings suggest that clinical research would be worthwhile., In one survey,  62% of respondents said that a combination of CBD and CBG helped relieve IBS symptoms.

Helps Fight Cancer Cell Growth

CBG seems to slow cancer cell growth and progression and kill very treatment-resistant cancer cells.

Reduces Anxiety and Depression

58.6% of participants in one survey self-reported decreased anxiety from taking nano-processed CBD/CBG. In another, 80% of those taking CBG for depression thought it worked better than regular medicine.

Helps with Sleep Problems and Fatigue

Research seems to validate the anecdotal evidence that CBG can help alleviate sleep problems. One study found that 44.1% of patients claimed their sleep improved from CBG/CBD and over 70% said they had increased energy. 83.3% of people with chronic fatigue experienced relief.


Glaucoma involves the pressure of fluids in the eyes. CBG helped regulate these eye pressure levels in animals – with minimal known side effects.

Degenerative Diseases

Research has also revealed CBG’s anti-inflammatory neuroprotective properties that could be useful in treating MS (multiple sclerosis), Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease.

What Should You Do if You Experience Side Effects from CBG?

We’ve already discussed trying to prevent CBG side effects. So, what should you do if unwanted side effects appear anyway?

If you feel unusually sleepy, fatigued, or dizzy try to sit down and avoid driving until you feel normal again. 

Don’t try to counteract grogginess with excessive caffeine, since this could increase your heart rate and make things worse.

If you have dry mouth, diarrhea, or nausea, make sure you’re hydrated. Try stomach-soothing food and drinks or an antacid to settle an upset stomach.

If you have an ongoing, unwanted increase in appetite, try adjusting your dosage.. To avoid significantly increasing your food intake, you may also want to  drink plenty of water and keep some healthy snacks on hand..

If any of these side effects persist or become concerning, you should go to the doctor and consider stopping CBG use.

Frequently Asked Question About CBG

What happens if you take too much CBG?

You could experience mild unpleasant side effects.

Is CBG stronger than CBD?

No. One is not stronger than the other. CBD and CBG have different uses. CBG may be better in some situations, such as managing pain.

Does CBG make you groggy?

It could. Some people report feeling fatigued or groggy.

How does CBG make you feel?

CBG is not psychoactive, so it will not make you “feel” any particular way. However, CBG can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, pain, IBD, and fatigue.

Does CBG affect serotonin?

It’s possible. CBG appears to interact with serotonin and the neurotransmitter GABA in unique ways, but more research is needed.

Is CBG good for depression?

Possibly. Many people report that  CBG helps with their depression. However, CBG is a dietary supplement – not a drug. It cannot treat, prevent, or cure any medical condition, including depression.

Final Thoughts

It’s exciting to think about the plethora of ways CBG could potentially help people. 

However, just about any drug or supplement can have unintended effects. So it’s important to consult your doctor and be conservative in your dosage. Fortunately, research has not associated CBG with any severe or dangerous side effects, and it seems to help people with a lot of conditions.

If you think the therapeutic benefits of CBG might help you, Nature’s Legend offers the highest quality lab-tested CBG products. When you’re ready to see what all the hype is about, check out our line of CBG products to find one that’s right for you.