Education Man on beach with pain in the shoulder

Best CBD for Shoulder Inflammation: Benefits and Uses

Best CBD for Shoulder Inflammation: Benefits and Uses One day you’re fine, the next you have a nagging pain in your shoulder from inflammation. The onset of the inflammation and pain being manual labor, playing your favorite sport or injury.  Maybe you have a chronic inflammation/chronic pain condition like arthritis, causing your joint inflammation and…

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Education Lady holding wrist with inflammation

Are CBD Gummies Good for Inflammation?

Are CBD Gummies Good for Inflammation? Inflammation is often a struggle. When inflammation goes on too long from chronic pain and other conditions, it can cause immune cells to accumulate, leading to oxidative stress from free radicals. Chronic or long-term inflammation can lead to life-threatening complications like cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. So, in addition…

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Education Lady with throat inflammation

How to Use CBD for Throat Inflammation?

How to Use CBD for Throat Inflammation? It happens to the best of us. You wake up ready to start your day, but before you even get out of bed, you realize something is amiss. You feel sick from head to toe, but most of all, you have a sore, scratchy, dry throat.  It nags…

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Education CBD for skin inflammation

How to Use CBD for Treating Skin Inflammation?

How to Use CBD for Treating Skin Inflammation? There is no better way to start your day than with the confidence boost of clear, even, radiant skin. When there is  a healthy balance within the body, it seems to shine through from the inside out. That’s on the best skin days. But for most of…

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Education Women with back pain and doctor checking

CBD for Back Pain and Inflammation: Does It Help?

CBD for Back Pain and Inflammation: Does It Help? If you’ve struggled with back pain, you’ve likely tried various approaches like pain relievers, chiropractic care, acupuncture, TENS, yoga, and meditation. Unfortunately, it can be frustrating and exhausting to  find a solution that works long-term. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. At any given…

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Education CBD oil bottle assortment

CBD for Inflammation: Everything You Need to Know

CBD for Inflammation: Everything You Need to Know Although inflammation is a natural defense mechanism of the body, it can cause serious problems in both the short and long terms. Chronic, low-grade inflammation is a threat you can’t ignore as it contributes to several types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more. In…

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Education Lady with eye inflammation

CBD for Eye Inflammation: Does It Help or Bring More Harm?

CBD for Eye Inflammation: Does It Help or Bring More Harm? You’ve heard about CBD’s pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects, but may be curious if those apply to inflammatory eye conditions. Corneal neuropathic pain, glaucoma, diabetic neuropathy, and retinopathy all involve eye inflammation. CBD may be helpful for some inflammatory eye conditions, but despite being an…

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Education Man holding lower back from prostate inflammation

CBD for Prostate Inflammation: Is it Effective?

CBD for Prostate Inflammation: Is it Effective? As many as 9% of men within the general population deal with prostatitis, or prostate inflammation. Not to be confused with prostate cancer, prostatitis is a common prostate issue that roughly half of all men will experience symptoms of at some point in their lives. Symptoms can vary…

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Education Man with upset stomach

CBD for Intestinal Inflammation: Diseases, Therapeutic Benefits, and Uses

CBD for Intestinal Inflammation: Diseases, Therapeutic Benefits, and Uses Chronic intestinal inflammation or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may affect as many as three million Americans annually. Symptoms can be severe and often interfere with patients’ quality of life. There are several conditions related to intestinal inflammation including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s, and ulcerative colitis,…

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Education CBD for brain inflammation

CBD For Brain Inflammation: What You Should Know

CBD For Brain Inflammation: What You Should Know Just like the rest of the body, the brain can experience inflammation. Also known as neuroinflammation, brain inflammation can cause symptoms like mental fog, fatigue, and decreased cognitive speed and functioning. Neuroinflammation can quickly lead to brain degeneration and increase the risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s.…

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